There are the classification structure, technology standard and inspection standard of FIBC stipulated in the Chinese national standard. This standard is applied to the FIBC with capacity 0.5-2.3m and load between 500-300kg.
with outer spout
Not full spout
Full spout
Without outer spout
Shape of box
Semi-open type
All open type
Semi-open type: square type bag, there is another spout on side besides the top cover..
Round:diameter±2%,height ±3%。
Square:side length±2%, height±3%。
Ⅳ. Technology Standard
Technology Standard of Fabric and Left Belt
There should be no filoselle on the fabric; the tensile strength and elongation of left belt and left rope must meet the stipulation.
Physical performance of fabric
Index item
Fabric of bag body
Top,bottom spout
Intensity ratio
Heat resistance
Cold resistance
Tensile strength F
N/pc |
up to the stipulation of formula (1)
% |
elongation on 30% of loaded tensile strength
<25 |
F≥---×safety factor
formula:F – tensile strength, N/pc;
W – max load weight, N;
N –pcs of left belt(left rope); ring connection 2n
Technology Standard of Structure
1. Waist hoop strength should be more than twice of fabric strength.
2. Waist hoop must be sewn on the outside of left belt in order to enhance its support strength.
3. If there is side seam on bag, it must be sewn under any left belt to enhance its strength.
Technology Standard of Sewing
1. Side seam tensile strength, must be more than 67% of fabric strength.
2. Bottom seam tensile strength, must be more than 42% of fabric strength.
3. Sewing requirements : must straight, no needles and lines break off, no float. Return needle on left, start and down from the needle must no less than three times. Equal on length of left belt, take the joints to be uniform, straight.
4. FIBC requirement: straight and stiff, not less significant tricot-dimensional, no obvious defect. Does not allow a clear stain on surface , the bag print design should be clear, located precisely.
Environmental Conditions
Test at the temperature (20 ± 2) ℃, relative humidity (65 ± 5)%. In the abnormal condition, it should be on the above-mentioned conditions an hour before the test.
Sampling Requirement
Select the sample material from base fabric or body. if there are any issues, one methold shall control.
Test Method
1. Size measure
Flat the bag without stretch fabric, measure the diameter of two different parts and take the average, then convert to the needed diameter according to track diameter. For the square bag, measure the top and bottom of two adjacent sides, then select theie average. For the height of FIBC, measure the height of top and bottom on body and then select their average.
2. Fabric Test
Choose five pieces with width 60mm and length 300mm from sample. Should retain the specimen if the last silk exceeds half , otherwise should be removed. Line out the lines marking 100mmon the center of specimen. Stretch the sample with 200mm/min on the 25mm position outside the mark line, until it breaked, then test the max load, space and elongation.
Elongation(%)= ———×100
L—express the mark line space on max load, mm。
3. Cold Resistance Test
Take two pieces samples with width 20mm and length 100mm, put them on the height 2h or above in the box with -35℃. Take out the sample then double fold 180 degree along length direction. Look over if the fabric has damage, cracks and other abnormalities.
4. Heat Resistance Test
Take two pieces samples with width 20mm and length 30mm, superpose its surface, inflict 9.8N load, then put it on the height 1h in oven of 80℃. Separate the two specimens immediately after took out them, test if there is adherence, cracks and other abnormalities.
Test Method of Left Belt and Rope
1. Sampling Method
Intercept at least two left belt samples with suitable lenth on the hanging rings of bag.
2. Elongation Test
Mount the sample on the tensile test machine, inflict 196N tensioner load, line out the marking line of 200mm space. Stretch with 100mm/min speed, test the space of marking line when the load reached 30% of tensile strength F.
Elongation (%)= ———×100
L— express the space of load on 3.0% of tensile strength,mm。
3.Tensile Strength Test
Put the sample on clamp of tensile test machine with 220mm space, stretch with 100mm/min speed, test the tensile strength on breaking.
Ⅵ. Inspection Rules
The FIBC test can be divided into factory test and pattern test.
Ⅶ. Logo, packaging, transportation, storage
Product Logo
Each finished bag should be print the following signs on face and side :
1. Product name;
2. Trademarks;
3. Model;
4. Manufacturer name;
5. The date of manufacture;
6. Product valid;
Packaging Mark
1. FIBC packaging styles and requirements, should be agreed by the two parties supply and demand.
2. Certificate and instructions should be accompanied in the packaging of finished FIBC.
3. Transport and storage of FIBC should be avoided by the rain, insolation, humidity and pollution.
4. The FIBC should be storaged in warehouse, which should be ventilated.